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The Spanish Association of Toxicology (AETOX) and the Federation of European Toxicologists & European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX), in the name of the International Union of Toxicology (IUTOX), invite you to participate in IUTOX-2010, the XII International Congress of Toxicology.

The Congress will encourage interaction between Academia, Industry, Regulators and Experts in Human (clinical and epidemiology) and Environmental Toxicology. Chemical Safety increasingly requires integrated approaches to achieve successful possibilities of the innovative applications and transfer of the results of R+D giving added values with safety to human health and the environment:
  • Starting from the most basic molecular and cell research.

  • Going through in vitro alternative approaches for short and long-term effects, “omics” strategies for in vitro and rational animal testing and human diagnosis, application of human data (epidemiological and clinical data)

  • Transferring results to the application for risk assessment in regulatory purposes, efficient strategies for toxicity evaluation, and risk characterization of thousands of chemicals, risk communication and social acceptance.
All these different levels of activities need to be integrated for successful industrial, biomedical and environmental applications of new materials (nanomaterials, drugs, biotechnological products) and to accomplish the objectives of sustainable chemistry.

A forum for scientists to gather from the different fields of activity related with toxicology.

Open to ALL the fields of toxicology and chemical safety

Barcelona 19-23 July 2010