Summary Timetable (update 15 April 2010)

Monday 19 July

9:00 Open Registration (all day)  
9:00 to 14:00 Exhibitors preparations  
13:00 Meetings (Committees)  
10:00 Pre-congress Courses  
Individual susceptibility and biomarkers in occupational toxicology
The venue will be Palalacio de congresos de Barcelona
Regulatory toxicology and risk assessment processes for preventative and therapeutic vaccine development.
The venue will be Palalacio de congresos de Barcelona
In vitro test of teratogenicity: a practical approach
The venue will be school of Pharmacy, University of Barcelona (Building B
Evaluation of drugs without animals
The venue will be school of Pharmacy, University of Barcelona (Building B
Online Internet sources of toxicological information: a practical course (palmtop computer with wifi is needed)
The venue will be school of Pharmacy, University of Barcelona (Building B
Animal and in vitro models for the assessment of sensory and nervous toxicities
The venue will be Palalacio de congresos de Barcelona
18:00 Opening Ceremony

Deichmann Lecture
Manel Esteller. ESP
19:30 Welcome reception  

Tuesday 20 July

8:30 Poster mounting Poster area open for mounting Posters session 1
Poster and Exhibition Area open all day.
9:00 Plenary Lecture Bo Holmstedt Memorial Lecture.
Iam Kimber. University of Manchester GBR
10:00 Coffee  
10:30 Symposium SY01 Toxicosurveillance- Current status and future prospects
Symposium SY02 Sensory Systems as Toxicity Targets
Symposium SY03 Safe Nanotechnologies - A Challenge for the Future
Symposium SY04 The diet in colon cancer development
13:00 - 15:00 Poster Session 1
(Author present 14:00-15:00)
Posters exposed all day (Author present 14:00-15:00)
P101-Human Biomonitoring. P102-Epidemiological Toxicology. P103-Environmental Health. P104-Occupational Toxicology. P105-Human Clinical Toxicology. P106-Regulatory And Risk Assessment. P107-Metabolism Biotransformation Polymorphisms. P108-Ecotoxicology
Exhibition, Posters  and Lunch in the same Exhibition Hall
14:30 Informative Workshop W1

EU Research Initiatives in Environment and Health
Sponsored by the European Commission

14:30 Informative Workshop W2 Round Table on publication in Toxicology (with the collaboration of Editors of Journals)
15:00 Informative Workshop W3 Informative session about TRISK (European project on risk assessment training)
16:00 Coffee  
16:30 ICT Early Toxicologist Award Lecture Venom induced consumption coagulopathy – understanding an important manifestation of snake envenoming.
Symposium SY05 Biomarkers and Molecular Mechanisms in Pesticide Toxicity
Symposium SY06 Effects of climate change on human health - special focus on contaminants
Symposium SY07 New Developments in Pulmonary Carcinogenesis
Symposium SY08 Genetic polymorphism and drug metabolizing enzymes
18.30 End and Poster off  

Wednesday 21 July

8:30 Poster mounting Poster area open for mounting Posters session 2
Poster and Exhibition Area open all day.
9:00 Plenary Lecture ILSI-HESI Lecture. Mechanism-based environmental health research in the age of genomics. Soterios Kyrtopoulos. National Hellenic Research Foundation, GRC
10:00 Coffee  
10:30 Symposium SY09 Individual susceptibility to environmental and occupation exposure
Symposium SY10 Endocrine disrupters: effects on reproduction and development
Symposium SY11 Genotoxicity testing: for impurities in drugs.
Symposium SY12 Drugs of Abuse-The things you didn’t know
13:00 - 15:00 Poster Session 2
Posters exposed all day (Author present 14:00-15:00)
(P201-In Vitro Testing Methods. P202-Mutagenicity-Genotoxicity. P203-Carcinogenicity. P204-Reproduction And  Development. P205-Inmunotoxicity. P206-Target Organ Toxicity: Hepatotoxicity. P207-Target Organ Toxicity: Neurotoxicity. P208-Target Organ Toxicity: Other)
Posters, Exhibition and Lunch in the same Exhibition Hall
EUROTOX EUROTOX Business Council Meeting (from 13:00 until 18:00)
13.00 - 14.00 Informative Workshop W4

The laboratory animal : a key player in toxicological sciences (Sponsored by Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care, AAALAC International)


The Marmoset as a model for the evaluation of novel pharmaceuticals and biotchnology-derived products.
Sponsored by RTC

15:00 Informative Workshop W5 Label-Free Testing for Embryotoxicity, and Hepatic Cell and Cardiomyocyte Cytotoxicity  (Sponsored by ROCHE)
Informative Workshop W6 Pending
16:00 Coffee  
16:30 Symposium SY13 Risk Assessment of Herbal Medicines and Botanical Supplements
Symposium SY14 Glia-Neuron Interactions in Neurotoxicology
Symposium SY15 Toxicity and risk assessment of heat-treatment formed products
Symposium SY16 Integration of genomics, proteomics and metabolomics technologies in drug safety assessment
18.30 End and Poster off  

Thursday 22 July

8:30 Poster mounting Poster area open for mounting Posters session 1
9:00 Plenary Lecture EUROTOX-SOT Debate. Threshold of Toxicological concern (TTC): is based on science or politics?” (Sponsored by EUROTOX and SOT)
10:00 Coffee  
10:30 Symposium SY17 Contribution of biological monitoring to occupational risk assessment
Symposium SY18 Developmental Neurotoxicity Testing in the 21st Century: High-Throughput
Screening Methods
Symposium SY19 New trends in Food Safety.
Partly Sponsored by EFSA
Symposium SY20 In Silico Toxicology
13:00 - 15:00 Poster Session 3

Posters exposed all day (Author present 14:00-15:00)
(P301-Cosmetics. P302-Drugs Development. P303-Nanotoxicology. P304-Industrial Contaminants. P305-Forensic Toxicology. P306-Analytical Toxicology. P308-Metals. P309-Pesticides. P310-Food Safety. P311-Biotoxins. P312-Educational-Training-Publication- Social Aspects. P313-Miscelaneous
Posters, Exhibition and Lunch in the same Exhibition Hall
IUTOX General Assembly
15:00 Informative Workshop W7 REMA-ECOPA workshop on global effect and use of alternative methods under REACH (Partly Sponsored by REMA)
Informative Workshop W8 (pending)
Informative Workshop W9 (pending)
16:00 Coffee  
16:30 Symposium SY21 New insights into acetaminophen toxicity
Symposium SY22 MicroRNA Malefactors: role in chemically-induced toxicity
Symposium SY23 Education and chemical safety in developing countries
Symposium SY24 Immunotoxicology: From models to humans
18.30 End and Poster off  
19:30 Congress Dinner  

This distribution is only tentative and might suffer some changes. Final timetable will be published in June 2010

Friday 23 July

8:30 Poster mounting Poster area open for mounting Posters session 1
9:00 Plenary Lecture To be announced
10:00 Coffee  
10:30 Symposium SY25
(Auditorium Room 7)
The changing face of clinical toxicology
Sponsored by Bo Holmstedt Memorial Fund (BMHF)
Symposium SY26 Detoxication and susceptibility to anticholinesterase pesticides
Symposium SY27 HBCD as a replacement flame retardant; another POP?
Symposium SY28 Combined Exposures to Multiple Chemicals in Risk Assessment: A Pragmatic Approach
Partly sponsored by WHO and EFSA
13:00 KL05 Pending
Chairs: Daniel Acosta (IUTOX), Nancy Claude (EUROTOX) What has been REACHed?
David Bell. Europen Chemical Agency (ECHA)
13:30 Closing Ceremony  
14:15 End of Congress  

EXHIBITORS. The exhibitor area will be in the same area of poster presentation and serving coffees and lunches and area of free Wifi Internet access and between some rooms for symposia. Therefore the interaction of exhibitors and congress Delegates will be strongly facilitated. Registration for Exhibitors will be open in July 2010

VENUE. Barcelona is situated on the Mediterranean Sea Coast in north-eastern Spain. Barcelona is a modern,
historical city, which is well connected with Europe and the entire world by land, sea and air. It is also known for
its high quality venues, hotel facilities and public transport.