Simposia 20 July
20 July |
10:30 |
SY01 |
Toxicosurveillance- Current status and future prospects
Nickholas Bateman. University of Edinburgh. GBR |
SY01-1 |
Toxicosurveillance Spanish Program
Ana Ferrer-Dufol. Unit of Clinical Toxicology. Clinical Hospital. Zaragoza. ESP |
SY01-2 |
Practical approaches to toxicosurveillance in Asia.
Andrew Dawson. Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya . Peradeniya.. SRI |
SY01-3 |
Using epidemiological data to study lethal occupational exposures
David Coggon. MRC. Epidemiology Resource Centre, University of Southampton. GBR |
SY01-4 |
Toxicosurveillance using poison center data-streams
Salome Ballesteros. Servicio Informacion Toxicológica. Madrid |
SY01-5 |
International collaboration in Toxicosurveillance: a WHO perspective
Tim J Meredith. International Programme on Chemical Safety. World Health Organization. Geneva.CHE |
20 July |
10:30 |
SY02 |
Sensory Systems as Toxicity Targets
Larry Fechter. Jerry Pettis Memorial Veterans Medical Center. USA |
SY02-1 |
Can the synergistic effects of a combined exposure to noise and solvents be explained through the pharmacological effects of solvents on the central nervous system?
Pierre Campo, Institut National de Recherche et de Sécurité. FR |
SY02-2 |
Toxicity of Nitriles on the Peripheral Vestibular System: Defining New Families of Compounds with “Classic-Type” of Inner Ear Toxicity.
Jordi Llorens. Universitat de Barcelona. ESP |
SY02-3 |
Visual Effects of Exposure to Volatile Organic Solvents in an Animal Model
William K. Boyes, US Environmental Protection Agency. USA |
SY02-4 |
Chemosensory Effects of Exposure to Volatile Organic Compounds in Humans
Christoph van Thriel. Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors at the University of Dortmund. DEU |
SY02-5 |
Chemical exposure as a risk factor for hearing loss: implications for occupational health
Ann-Christin Johnson.Karolinska Institute. SWE |
20 July |
10:30 |
SY03 |
Safe Nanotechnologies - A Challenge for the Future
Kai Savolainen. Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Helsinki. FIN |
SY03-1 |
New Lessons of Safety Challenges of Engineered Nanoparticles - Introduction
Kai Savolainen. Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Helsinki. FIN |
SY03-2 |
Causality of Exposure to Engineered Nanoparticles and Their Biological Effects
Allison Elder. School of Medicine & Dentistry, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, USA. USA |
SY03-3 |
Nanotoxicology: Biological effects of manufactured nanoparticles and their health
Yuliang Zhao. Institute of High Energy Physcs. Chinese Academy of Science Beijing. CHN |
SY03-4 |
Assessment of Exposure to Nanoparticles in Occupational Setting
Gerhard Kasper. Institut für Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik und Mechanik. University of Karlsruhe. DEU |
SY03-5 |
Carbon Nanotubes - Challenges for Assuring Safety of Nanotechnologies
Ken Donaldson. MRC Centre for Inflammation Research (CIR). University of Edinburgh. GBR |
20 July |
10:30 |
SY04 |
The diet in colon cancer development
Dieter Schrenk; Pablo Steinberg. Universitat. Kaiserslautern. University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover. DEU |
SY04-1 |
In vitro models to study diet-related colon cancer induction and prevention
Jenifer I. Fenton. Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Michigan State University. USA |
SY04-2 |
Red and processed meat intake and risk of colorectal adenoma and carcinoma from a molecular epidemiological point of view
Rashmi Sinha. Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute. USA |
SY04-3 |
The role of folate in colon cancer development
Robert Clarke. Clinical Trial Service Unit, University of Oxford. GBR |
SY04-4 |
The role of flat dysplastic aberrant crypt foci induced in the colon by food contaminants
Jan Alexander. Division of Environmental Medicine, Norwegian Institute of Public Health. NOR |
SY04-5 |
The role of inflammation in colon cancer induced by food contaminants
Pablo Steinberg. Institute for Food Toxicology and Analytical Chemistry University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover. DEU |
20 July |
16:30 |
SY05 |
Biomarkers and Molecular Mechanisms in Pesticide Toxicity
Arturo Anadón. . Complutense University. Madrid. SP |
SY05-1 |
In Vivo Biomarkers of Neurotoxicity Induced by Organophosphates and Carbamates
Ramesh C. Gupta. Murray State University. USA |
SY05-2 |
Plasma ß-glucuronidase as an alternative biomarker to cholinesterase for organophosphate exposure
Tetsuo Satoh. Chiba University. JPN |
SY05-3 |
Application of biomarkers of exposure, effect and susceptibility to subjects long-term exposed to pesticides
Antonio F. Hernández. University of Granada School of Medicine. Granada. ESP |
SY05-4 |
Effects of organophosphate exposure on male reproductive outcomes
B. Quintanilla-Vega. Departamento de Toxicología, CINVESTAV, Zacatenco, Mexico DF. MEX |
20 July |
16:30 |
SY06 |
Effects of climate change on human health - special focus on contaminants.
Arja Rautio. University of Oulu,. FIN
SY06-1 |
Climate change, contaminant and Alaska native health
James E. Berner. Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, Anchorage, Alaska. USA |
SY06-2 |
Human health in the context of changing ecosystems and environment
Arja Rautio. University of Oulu,. FIN |
SY06-3 |
The North - South dimension –are the effects of climate change equal in the South and North?
Jon Oyving Odland. University of Tromso. NOR |
SY06-4 |
Climate change, contaminants and human health in Arctic Russia.
Valery P. Chaschin. Mechnikov Medical Academy, Moscow. RUS |
SY06-5 |
The environmental health and contaminants in South Africa
Halina. B. Röllin. South African Medical Research Council (abstract in P308-047) |
20 July |
16:30 |
SY07 |
New Developments in Pulmonary Carcinogenesis
Heidi Foth. University of Halle, Germany (President of the German Society of Toxicology (GT). DEU |
SY07-1 |
Deregulated EGFR Signaling during Lung Cancer Progression
Adi Gazdar. University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas. USA |
SY07-2 |
Pattern of in vitro stress response of lung cells from lung cancer cases
Heidi Foth. University of Halle, Germany (President of the German Society of Toxicology (GT). DEU |
SY07-3 |
Transgenic and Smoke-Induced Rodent Lung Cancer Models
Hans-Juergen Haussmann. Toxicology Consultant, Roesrath. DEU |
SY07-4 |
Changes of the genome DNA methylation in the progress of benzo[a]pyrene-induced transformation
Zhixiong Zhuang. ShenZhen Center for Disease Control and Prevention. CHI (Short communication) (abstract in P203-030) |
20 July |
17:00 |
SY08 |
Genetic polymorphism and drug metabolizing enzymes
Edmund Maser. Institute of Toxicology and Pharmacology, Univ. Med. School Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel. DEU |
SY08-2 |
Carbonyl Reductases/Steroid Dehydrogenases: Biology, Classification and Implication in Drug Metabolism and Detoxification
Edmund Maser. Institute of Toxicology and Pharmacology, Univ. Med. Sch. Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel. DEU |
SY08-3 |
Metabolic activation of PAHs by aldo-keto reductases
Trevor M. Penning. Philadelphia,. USA |
SY08-4 |
Epoxide hydrolases: structure, function, mechanism and toxicological implication
Michael Arand. Zurich. CHE |
SY08-5 |
Urinary 1-OHP levels in children are modulated by cyp1a1*2c, cyp1b1*3, gstm1*0 and nqo1*2 polymorphisms
M. Sánchez-Guerra (CINVESTAV-IPN), México (Short communication) (Abstact in P107-006) |