Simposia 23 July
23 July |
10:30 |
SY25 |
The changing face of clinical toxicology
Martin Wilks.Swiss Centre for Applied Human Toxicology. University of Basel. Switzerland
Sponsored by Bo Holmstedt Memorial Fund (BMHF) |
SY25-1 |
Evidence base for the treatment of poisonings
Nick Buckley. POW Hospital, Clinical School, University of NSW, Randwick.. AUS |
SY25-2 |
Can we define severity criteria for the common cardiotropic drugs taken in overdose?
Bruno Megarbane. Hopital Lariboisière, Paris,. FRA |
SY25-3 |
New approaches of treatment in Paraquat poisoning
Sae-Yong Hong. Department of Internal Medicine, Soonchunhyang University, Cheonan Hospital. Cheonan. KOR |
SY25-4 |
Is fundamental research in toxicology being translated into clinical practice?
Peter Maier-Abt. University of Basel, Basel. CHE |
23 July |
10:30 |
SY26 |
Detoxication and susceptibility to anticholinesterase pesticides
Ramesh C. Gupta. Murray State University. USA |
SY26-1 |
Role of Albumin in the detoxification of organophosphorus and Carbamate Pesticides
Miguel Angel Sogorb. Universidad Miguel Hernandez. ESP |
SY26-2 |
Variation in human liver enzymes involved in pesticide metabolism
Elaine Mutch. Toxicology Unit, Clinical and Laboratory Sciences, The University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne. GBR |
SY26-3 |
Genetic variability factors in human susceptibility to organophosphorus compounds
Clement E. Furlong. University of Washington, Seattle WA 98159.. USA |
SY26-4 |
Toxicity of Mixtures Containing Similarly and Dissimilarly Acting Compounds: New Concepts
Sameeh. A. Mansour. National Research Centre, Dokki, Cairo. EGY |
23 July |
10:30 |
SY27 |
HBCD as a replacement flame retardant; another POP?
Linda Birnbaum. NIEHS. USA |
SY27-1 |
Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) Complex Chemistry: Detection and Analytical Methods.
Adrian Covaci. University of Antwerp. BEL |
SY27-2 |
HBCD levels in the Environment, Biota and Humans: Sterioisomeric paradox.
Rob J. Letcher. Environment Canada, Ottawa. CAN |
SY27-3 |
Different HBCD Stereoisomers are Metabolized Differently!
Heldur Hakk. USDA ARS Biosciences Research Lab. Fargo, ND |
SY27-4 |
Toxicity and Toxicokinetics of HBCD David Szabo. University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC. USA |
SY27-5 |
Brominated Flame Retardants: Past, Future, and Regulations
Linda Birnbaum. NIEHS. USA |
23 July |
10:30 |
SY28 |
Combined Exposures to Multiple Chemicals in Risk Assessment: A Pragmatic Approach
Carolyn Vickers. World Health Organization. Chemical Safety. Geneva, CHE
Bette Meek. McLaughlin Centre for Population Health Risk Assessment University of Ottawa,. CAN
Partly sponsored by WHO (World Health Organization) and EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) |
SY28-1 |
Considering Combined Exposures in Risk Assessment: Recent Developments, Opportunities and Challenges
Bette Meek. McLaughlin Centre for Population Health Risk Assessment. University of Ottawa,. CAN |
SY28-2 |
Illustration of the WHO Combined Exposures Framework: A tiered and integrative approach to exposure and hazard
Marcel T.M. van Raaij. Centre for Substances and Integrated Risk Assessment (SIR). National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM).. NLD |
SY28-3 |
WHO Framework Case Study: Carbamates*
Elizabeth Shipp. BayerCropScience on behalf of ECETOC, FRA |
SY28-4 |
Exploration of the Use of the Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC) and consideration of synergy for combined exposures
Alan R. Boobis. Imperial College London, United Kingdom. GBR |
SY28-5 |
Trends and developments in the risk assessment of chemical mixtures in food
Djien Liem. European Food Safety Authority. ITA |