Simposia 21 July
21 July |
10:30 |
SY09 |
Individual susceptibility to environmental and occupation exposure
Nursen Basaran. Hacettepe University Faculty of Pharmacy, Ankara. TR |
SY09-1 |
Effect of genetic and environmental factors on biomarkers of exposure
Hermann Autrup. Univ. of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark.. DNK |
SY09-2 |
Modulation of arseniasis risk by host factors in a multiethnic village
Jian-Hua Shen. Shanghai Institutes of Biological Sciences, Chinese Acad.Sc., Shanghai,. CHN |
SY09-3 |
Human bladder cancer and individual susceptibility factors
Miriam Angeli-Greaves. Univ. of Vernezuela, Caracas, Venezuela. VEN |
SY09-4 |
Factors of individual susceptibility to benzene: state of the art
Robert Snyder. EOHSI, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, USA.. USA |
SY09-5 |
Application of DNA-chip based techniques in occupational studies
Jan G. Hengstler. IfADo. Dortmund, Germany.. DEU |
21 July |
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SY10 |
Endocrine disrupters: effects on reproduction and development
Anunciación Lafuente. Lab. of Toxicology, University of Vigo. ESP |
SY10-1 |
Steroid hormone receptors and metabolism in endocrine disruption.
Sari Mäkelä. Functional Foods Forum. University of Turku. FIN |
SY10-2 |
Retinoid receptors and metabolism in endocrine disruption.
Helen Håkansson. The Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm. SWE |
SY10-3 |
Reprogramming of DNA methylation during mammalian development and impact of Endocrine Disruptors.
Michael Weber. Institute of Molecular Genetics CNRS,. FRA |
SY10-4 |
Criteria for the interpretation of reproductive and endocrine effects detected in regulatory guideline studies.
Roland Solecki. Bfr, Berlin,. DEU |
SY10-5 |
Delineation of Persistent Organic Pollutant effects in human: cellular and clinical studies
Robert Barouki. Université René Descartes. Paris. FRA |
21 July |
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SY11 |
Genotoxicity testing: for impurities in drugs.
Ricard Marcos. Autonomous University of Barcelona |
SY11-1 |
Genotoxicity assessment in early drug development: identification, new models and strategies
Jacky Van Gompel. Genotoxicology and in vitro toxicology of J&J Pharma. BEL |
SY11-2 |
Genotoxicological qualification of impurities in the pharmaceutical industry
Michelle Kenyon. Genotoxicologist at Pfizer, Groton. USA |
SY11-3 |
Genotoxicity testing of pharmaceuticals: An update on changing regulatory guidances
Peter Kasper. German Regulatory Agency Bfarm. DEU |
SY11-4 |
Future approaches to genotoxicity testing for drugs and impurities.
David Tweats. Genetic toxicology, Sweansea University, Wales. GBR |
SY11-5 |
Threshold for Toxicological Concern (TTC) and impurities.
Lutz Müller. Hoffmann-La Roche, Basel. CHE
21 July |
10:30 |
SY12 |
Drugs of Abuse-The things you didn’t know
Donna Seger. Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Nashville TN. USA |
SY12-1 |
Cocaine-Why so Lethal?
Robert Hoffman. New York City Poison Control Center. USA |
SY12-2 |
Cannabis acute and chronic effects-The Dutch Experience
Irma de Vries. National Poisons Information Centre, Bilthoven,. NLD |
SY12-3 |
GHB and other submission agents. Clinical and legal implications
Santiago Nogué. Unit of Clinical Toxicology. Clinic Hospital Barcelona. ESP |
SY12-4 |
Neuroadaptation and Drugs of Abuse or How Drugs Change your Brain
Donna Seger. Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Nashville TN. USA |
SY12-5 |
New emerging designer drugs
Paul Dargan. Guy’s and St. Thomas Poisons Unit. London.. GBR |
21 July |
16:30 |
SY13 |
Risk Assessment of Herbal Medicines and Botanical Supplements (similar, but still different!)
Olavi Pelkonen. Dept Pharmacol & Toxicol, University of Oulu. FIN |
SY13-1 |
Herbals and botanicals in the grey area between medicines and nutrition: scientific and regulatory challenges
Gert Laekeman. Katolieke Universiteit Leuven. Leuven,. BEL |
SY13-2 |
A huge number of mixtures and substances: how to deal with them?
Mª da Graça Campos. Faculty of Pharmacy. Universidade de Coimbra Azinhaga de Sta Comba Coimbra |
SY13-3 |
Standardized Evaluation of TCM drug safety and its safe use in China
Zu-Guang Ye. State Research Center for R&D of TCM Multiingredient drug. Chinese Academy of TCM. Beijing. CHN |
SY13-4 |
Compability risks between drugs and herbal medicines or botanical supplements
Ashim K. Mitra. School of Pharmacy. University of Missouri-Kansas City. USA |
21 July |
16:30 |
SY14 |
Glia-Neuron Interactions in Neurotoxicology
Marina Guizzetti. University of Washington, Seattle, WA. USA |
SY14-1 |
Proinflammatory cytokines, glutamatergic system and neurotoxicity.
Barbara Viviani. Universita’ degli Studi di Milano. ITA |
SY14-2 |
Ethanol activates IL-1RI/TLR4 in glial cells and induces neuroinflammation
Consuelo Guerri. Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe, Valencia. ESP |
SY14-3 |
Chaperone deficiency in Pb-exposed glia: links to neurodegenerative diseases
Evelyn Tiffany-Castiglioni. Texas A&M University. College Station TX. USA |
SY14-4 |
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: inhibition of astrocyte release of extracellular matrix proteins and neuritogenesis.
Marina Guizzetti. University of Washington, Seattle, WA. USA |
21 July |
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SY15 |
Toxicity and risk assessment of heat-treatment formed products Wolfgang Dekant. Department of Toxicology, University of Würzburg,. DEU
SY15-1 |
Heat-treatment induced toxicant in food: Needs for health risk assessment
Wolfgang Dekant. Department of Toxicology, University of Würzburg,. DEU |
SY15-2 |
Risk assessment of chemicals formed by heat processing of food
Angelika Tritscher. WHO Joint Secretary to JECFA and JMPR, Geneva. WHO |
SY15-3 |
Role of genetic and epigenetic mechanisms in furan toxicity
Kevin Chipman. University of Birminghamj. GBR |
21 July |
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SY16 |
Integration of genomics, proteomics and metabolomics technologies in drug safety assessment
Joan-Albert Vericat. jvericat@noscira.com. |
SY16-1 |
Integration of X-Omics data in the decision making process in Drug Development. The Melius Consortium.
Joan Vericat. . Noscira. Madrid. ESP |
SY16-2 |
Integration of genomics, proteomics and metabolomics technologies in drug safety assessment: the need for collaboration and external funding
Phil Hewitt.Merck KGaA, Darmstadt. DEU |
SY16-3 |
The use of X-Omics in regulatory studies
Federico Goodsaid. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD, USA |
SY16-4 |
EMEA’s position in the use of X-Omics in regulatory studies
Dominique Masset, Toxicology Department, DEMEB, FRA |